Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Student recommendations!

Suggest a book for your peers to read by responding below!  (sign in with your school Google account first!)

Read LEVIATHAN with Ms. Hook!

Looking for a historical fiction/fantasy/romance/sciencefiction/adventure book?  Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld is your choice!  Beginning at the start of World War I, heir to the Austro-Hungarian empire Alek and girl-masquerading-as-British midshipman Deryn sour through the European skies in a British Darwinist genetically fabricated whale ship (picture a blimp crossed with a whale!) on an alternate history adventure like you've never imagined.

Read CRAZY with Mrs. Cooper!

In Han Nolan's Crazy, fifteen-year-old Jason's mother recently died and his father suffers from mental illness, and so it makes sense that Jason is a little bit unnerved by it all.  Never fear--he has imaginary friends to help him deal!  In a humorous but heart-wrenching story, Jason learns how to manage life as a teenager without support from parents.  

Read ASHFALL with Mr. Knight!

Imagine:  the Yellowstone Supervolcano erupts, and debris smashes your house--in Cedar Falls, IA.  Your parents are out of town, so you do the obvious:  pack up and trudge through the ashy, desolate landscape that was once Iowa and go out to find your parents.  Read great science fiction and adventure when you read Ashfall by Mike Mullin.

Post your thoughts below!

Read PAPER TOWNS with Mrs. Laake!

Check out John Green's book Paper Towns, a road trip/mystery/romance/comedy like only John Green can write!

Post your thoughts below!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Read THE RAFT with Mrs. Silvey!

The Raft by S.A. Bodeen: Read an exciting survival story about a plane crash that leaves Robie floating on the Pacific with only a bag of Skittles.  Post your thoughts below!

Read ENDER'S GAME with Ms. Lechtenberg!

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card is one of those books I've been meaning to read for years--and this is the summer I'm finally going to do it.  It's about a futuristic society that breeds genius children to fight against hostile alien attacks.  Ender Wiggins is sent to military training at the Battle School, an orbiting training center.  There's a recent movie, and I've just heard too many people say "You HAVEN'T READ Ender's Game yet???  What's wrong with you?!?"  So I'm going to read it!  Join me, and post your thoughts below.

Summer reading at Northview

Ready, set, READ!  Respond to one of the posts about a book you've read and tell us what you thought!

Or, respond to this post with additional titles you've read, and make a recommendation!